SBT Documentation

Skill-based treatment Lua programming API

Each automation expression in the SBT web app accepts any valid Lua expression as long as the expression can be fully run within the following computational limits:

  • Runtime limit - 500ms
  • Memory limit - 1MB


  • cab_type - One of 'sfcr', 'cfcr', 'tr', 'cab1', 'cab2', 'cab3', 'cab4', 'cab5' or 'cab6'.


eo_trial_results(start, end, trials_count, cab_branch_id?)

Returns a table of aggregated results of EO trials. For example, calling this function with a start of 'cfcr' and an end of 'cab1' will consider only the EO trials with a final target of 'cfcr', 'tr', and 'cab1' even if other EO trials include those CABs (such as 'cab1').

This function is useful when examining EO trials as a full unit. For example, this function is useful for determining the when to advance or regress the current target levels of the student.


startcab_typeThe starting level of the final CAB in the EO trial to consider.
endcab_typeThe ending level of the final CAB in the EO trial to consider.
trials_countnumberThe number of previous relevant trials to consider.
cab_branch_idcab_branch_id or 'ANY'The CAB branch to consider. Defaults to current CAB branch. 'ANY' considers all CAB branches for the student.


total_r1_countnumberThe total number of R1 occurrences.
r1_trials_countnumberThe number of trials where at least one R1 occurred.
r1_trials_percentnumberThe percent of trials where at least one R1 occurred (decimal number between 0-1)
total_r2_countnumberThe total number of R2 occurrences.
r2_trials_countnumberThe number of trials where at least one R2 occurred.
r2_trials_percentnumberThe percent of trials where at least one R2 occurred (decimal number between 0-1).
success_trials_countnumberThe number of trials that were successful (terminal CAB occurred with no prompting, R1, or R2).
success_trials_percentnumberThe percent of trials that were successful (terminal CAB occurred with no prompting, R1, or R2) (decimal number between 0-1).
terminal_independent_trials_countnumberThe number of trials where the terminal CAB occurred independently.
all_independent_trials_countnumberThe number of trials where all the CABs occurred independently.
trials_countnumberThe total number of trials considered. This number will be less than the provided trials_count parameter if the number of relevant results is less than the provided trials_count parameter.


Returns a number level version of a cab_type. Useful for using a CAB type in a math expression.


cab_typecab_typeThe CAB type to convert to a number




Returns the SBT level (cab_type) of the EO trial.


Returns the CAB branch ID of the EO trial.