1. Create a new student | Skill-based treatment tutorial

Before setting up a skill-based treatment program for a student, let's first create a new student. (Note: based on ABAKadabra pricing, creating a new student may result in additional costs to your organization. However, if you delete the student after the completing the tutorial, the additional costs should be minimal.)

  1. Log in to ABAKadabra using your email address and password (your organization admin should be able to help with this step).
  2. Navigate to the Students list. This is the default view after logging in.
  3. Click the Add student button in the top-right of the Students list view. This should open up a Create a new student form.
    Screenshot - create new student (250x445)
  4. Set Student first name to "Mikey" and Student last name to "Turtle". Then click the CREATE STUDENT button at the bottom-right of the form to create the student Mikey Turtle. If the student is successfully created, you will be automatically navigated to the Student detail view for Mikey Turtle.
    Screenshot - create new student form (250x445)